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Eikon - Commodities

Фото автора: Oleg ManyutaOleg Manyuta

Data and features

Trusted insights for informed decision-making

All the information and insights you need for commodity trading in a single, intuitive interface. We cover news and analysis, exchange-traded and OTC prices, specialist industry data, fundamentals, and forecasts.

Commodity fundamentals and price data

While others are hunting for data across different source sites, you can go straight to the numbers and start performing meaningful analysis across the commodity markets. For each asset class, we integrate data from multiple sources so you don’t have to.

Understand end-to-end supply chain impacts

See physical assets and visualize the key factors that affect the supply chain and impact commodity prices, such as refinery outages, vessel movements, and weather. Eikon’s Interactive Map feature gives you the full picture.

Enhance operational efficiency. Reduce budgets.

Want to bring cost-effective alignment across your trading teams? Eikon gives you the latest news, flows, and commodity price information in a single streamlined interface. Plus, Eikon Forums help you identify networking and discussion opportunities with your peers.




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Trading platform powered by UNITEX MERCANTILE EXCHANGE.
UNITEX MERCANTILE EXCHANGE is headquartered at Suite 39, 2-L Marshalla Timoshenko St., Kyiv 04212, Ukraine.

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