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All activities of the Unitex Mercantile Exchange (UNE) are subject to the law of Ukraine (About commodity exchange Act), as well as to UME rules and regulations. Official documents of commodity exchange.

There are several types of trading sessions used for different markets:

  • Clearing House - it`s the central counterparty to all trades executed on UME (each contract traded on UME results in two transactions with the Clearing House (one between the buying broker and the Clearing House as seller, and another between the selling broker and the Clearing House as a buyer).

  • Bilateral Auction - it is performed through submitting a purchase bid and ask orders for trading by all the participants into the digital trading system. (all  market orders  and transactions are anonymous).

  • Unilateral Auction - the trading session with the only seller/buyer and several buyers/sellers.

  • Address Deed - the trading session that allows closing the deal with a particular counterparty on prearranged terms.

Access to trading sessions and systems (platforms) is performed according to UME Trading Rules that apply to all trading and auction participants.
Trading participants accreditation is performed by the UME Council or Clearing House or brokerage firms.

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